
Kano Model

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  • The Kano Model maps the customer requirement (feature/attribute of product/service) against the Customer Satisfaction.
  • Customer requirements are classified as Must Be, Satisfiers, and Delight parameters

Kano Model – Expected Quality

Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future
  • Must be quality reflects minimum expected requirements.
  • Failing to meet these requirements, the customer would be dissatisfied but meeting these requirements even exceptionally well will not lead to an increase in satisfaction levels
  • Example:
    - Mobile phone basic features like has to charge.
    - The machine must perform
    - The program must provide an output
    - Meet customer Specification or Service

Kano Model – Performance Quality

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  • Satisfiers: The performance feature is also called one dimensional and desired quality feature.
  • These parameters result in satisfaction when done correctly and dissatisfaction when done badly. These are the attributes which companies compete.
  • Increased performance generates a proportional increase in satisfaction.
  • Example:
    - Better the mileage of vehicle beyond the specification
    - Higher the speed of Wi -Fi in the hotel room
    - Lower the website loading time is better

Kano Model – Excitement Quality

Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future
  • Delighters feature is also called Excitement quality
  • These parameters provide satisfaction when achieved fully, but do not cause dissatisfaction when not fulfilled.
  • These are not expected and end up surprising or delighting the customers when present.
  • Excitement attributes are generally not articulated in quality surveys because customers don't know that the attribute is likely, or even possible.
  • Example:
    - Free drink with dinner.
    - Free extended warranty

Kano Model – Shifting Expectations

  • A key point of the Kano model is that expectations shift over time.
  • What was once an unexpected delight becomes a performance feature, and ultimately an expectation. Expectations are a function of experience.

Expert's Comment

  • Kano Model can be used for prioritizing Lean Six Sigma projects as well
    1. Make a list of all the projects
    2. Understand the parameters the project would impact
    3. Select the project impacting Must be followed by Performance in the same order.