Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future

Poka Yoke

  • It is also called as error proofing.
  • Two words “Error” & “Proofing” says it all. It’s all about ensuring the mistake doesn’t happen.
  • It is a quality control technique developed by Shigeo Shingo implemented at Toyota as a part of Toyota Production System (TPS).
Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future
  • It aims to prevent defects in any process.
  • It requires no formal training.
  • Best way to error proof the activity is by identifying Mistake proofing or Preventive actions

Approaches to Error Proofing.

Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future


Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future
  • Alarm sounds at an ATM machine indicating the customer should retrieve their debit card after their transactions


Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future
  • If PIN entered incorrectly, the transaction doesn’t happen.


Will Six Sigma Be Relevant For The Future
  • Debit/Credit card can be inserted in 4 ways into ATM machine, while only one is proper. The ATM software inspects it and returns the card.

Expert's Comment

Points to ponder while implementing Error proofing Poka-Yoke

  • Error proofing is essential if the severity of process failure is high
  • The type of error proofing must be chosen based on the severity and occurrence of defects
  • First, two error-proofing detections and inspection do not guarantee 100% errorproofing, and still, there is a risk of failure
  • Always choose cost-effective error-proofing solutions. In the case of low severity, the return on investment should drive error proofing.
  • Prevention is the best way to error-proof, but many time might be expensive.